Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Bland, Limon out at Coloradoan

It's unclear what the progressive implications of this are. On the one hand, the Coloradoan has frequently championed the cause of large business interests, sometimes at the expense of the individual voters and taxpayers. On the other hand, they have been supportive of a variety of initiatives, including open space, school mill and bond issues, and open government. I guess we'll have to wait and see who the new publisher is...


FORT COLLINS -- Fort Collins Coloradoan publisher Dorothy Bland and executive editor Michael Limon both resigned abruptly today from their top posts at the newspaper. The Coloradoan's human resources director, Lori Abe, could not provide details about the reasons for their resignations.


City editor Pat Ferrier will take on Limon's former responsibilities as interim executive editor, Abe said. The newspaper hopes to name a new publisher as early as tomorrow, she said.


Blogger Doogman said...

The link in the story no longer works - I'm noticing that in a lot of places.

8:32 PM  

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