Thursday, September 08, 2005

Christine Chin named publisher of Coloradoan

In an update to yesterday's story, Christine Chin has been named Publisher of the Coloradoan:


Some quick googling revealed some info on her:

Newspaper Association of America

She seems to bounce around a bit, having been on staff at The Arizona Republic since only August:
Gannett news release

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Bland, Limon out at Coloradoan

It's unclear what the progressive implications of this are. On the one hand, the Coloradoan has frequently championed the cause of large business interests, sometimes at the expense of the individual voters and taxpayers. On the other hand, they have been supportive of a variety of initiatives, including open space, school mill and bond issues, and open government. I guess we'll have to wait and see who the new publisher is...


FORT COLLINS -- Fort Collins Coloradoan publisher Dorothy Bland and executive editor Michael Limon both resigned abruptly today from their top posts at the newspaper. The Coloradoan's human resources director, Lori Abe, could not provide details about the reasons for their resignations.


City editor Pat Ferrier will take on Limon's former responsibilities as interim executive editor, Abe said. The newspaper hopes to name a new publisher as early as tomorrow, she said.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Marilyn Musgrave's statement on Katrina relief

One thing that the majority of the country agrees on is that the preparation for and response to Hurricane Katrina was woefully inadequate. I'm not the first to say that there was a complete failure of leadership at all levels of government. Most shameful to me, though, is that the federal government waited days before even embarking on relief efforts. Here is my congresswoman, Marilyn Musgrave, speaking of the relief efforts

“I am proud of the response from state leaders in the region and federal leaders throughout the nation. Their efforts so far will undoubtedly save lives. Also, the U.S. Congress will adjourn early from its month long recess to pass emergency legislation provide funds needed to help immediate relief efforts in the hurricane-torn area.”

Proud, she says. Proud of an underused troop carrier just off the coast (the USS Bataan, Proud of FEMA chief Michael Brown unaware of thousands of refugees in the New Orleans Convention Center?

Providing relief for the victims of Hurricane Katrina needs to be our highest national priority now, but there will come a time, soon, when we need to hold our leaders accountable for their failures. Given Rep. Musgrave's comment above, I do not have faith in her judgement and ability to provide an effective check or balance to administrative excess and incompetence.